.. _overview: Block Overview =============== Block type: ``PROCESSING`` This block uses satellite imagery data and generates RGB georeferenced images using formulas provided as parameters. The output can be opened in standard images viewer and GIS tools like `QGIS `_ or `ArcGIS `_. Input parameters -------------------- * ``red`` - the formula used for calculating values of red channel, see :ref:`formulas ` for valid values * ``green`` - the formula used for calculating values of green channel * ``blue`` - the formula used for calculating values of blue channel * ``satellite`` - the name of the block providing input data, see :ref:`supported blocks ` for valid values The formula should be a mathematical expression containing: band names, operators and functions. More information about formulas can be found in :ref:`formulas ` section. To see list of available bands and sample usage please visit :ref:`supported blocks ` section. Example parameters using *Sentinel-2 Level 2 (BOA) AOI clipped* block as data source and then generating false color composite: .. code-block:: javascript { "sentinelhub-s2-aoiclipped:1": { "bbox": [ 19.845642734130864, 52.30976947421495, 19.881949734130865, 52.32649747421495 ], "time": "2018-01-01T00:00:00+00:00/2019-11-20T23:59:59+00:00", "limit": 1, "zoom_level": 14, "time_series": null }, "qzsolutions.mixer:1": { "red": "B08/256", "blue": "B04/256", "green": "B03/256", "satellite": "Sentinel-2 Level 2 (BOA) AOI clipped" } } Output format ------------- The block produces a feature collection with ``up42.data_path`` property containing a name of the result file. The result file is RGB GeoTIFF with 8 bit resolution channels. .. warning:: Values are expected to be between ``0`` and ``255``. Results of the formula of specific pixel will be clipped to ``0`` for results below ``0``. Values above ``255`` will be clipped to ``255``. For most of satellites it also returns property ``acquisitionDate`` containing date of image being taken. Contents of *data.json* file returned by a block configured in the previous example: .. code-block:: javascript { "type":"FeatureCollection", "features":[ { "type":"Feature", "bbox":[ 19.84130859375, 52.308478623663355, 19.88525390625, 52.335339071889386 ], "geometry":{ "type":"Polygon", "coordinates":[ [ [ 19.86328125, 52.308478623663355 ], [ 19.84130859375, 52.308478623663355 ], [ 19.84130859375, 52.32191088594772 ], [ 19.84130859375, 52.335339071889386 ], [ 19.86328125, 52.335339071889386 ], [ 19.88525390625, 52.335339071889386 ], [ 19.88525390625, 52.32191088594772 ], [ 19.88525390625, 52.308478623663355 ], [ 19.86328125, 52.308478623663355 ] ] ] }, "properties":{ "up42.data_path":"86973862-61e8-4233-82f4-2c60049dee2e.tiff", "acquisitionDate":"2019-11-19T09:56:09" } } ] } .. figure:: _static/86973862-61e8-4233-82f4-2c60049dee2e.png :alt: Contents of file 86973862-61e8-4233-82f4-2c60049dee2e.tiff Contents of file *86973862-61e8-4233-82f4-2c60049dee2e.tiff* Capabilities ------------ Input ~~~~~ This block has such ``input_capabilities``: .. code-block:: javascript "input_capabilities": { "raster": { "up42_standard": { "format": { "or": [ "SAFE", "GTiff", "DIMAP" ] } } } } .. warning:: Please ensure that input block is listed under :ref:`supported blocks ` link. Output ~~~~~~ This block has such ``output_capabilities``: .. code-block:: javascript "output_capabilities": { "raster": { "up42_standard": { "format": "GTiff", "dtype": "uint8", "resolution": ">" } } }